Have read enough webcam and reality tv stuff to take a stab at roughing out a couple of paragraphs on how they relate to public/private as I conceptualize it. (Like how committal I am about that writing?) Also went back through my notes from
The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (and oh, does Habermas make my head hurt) and thought about how to work that in to my discussion of the development of the dichotomy. (And many thanks to
Jeremy for pointing out that
Spark Notes does treat
the book which served as a nice review, since I read it over two years ago and have read many other things, had
one child, and moved (among other insanity) since then.)
Tomorrow or Friday I have to go to campus so that I can sit down with volumes
IV and
V of
A History of Private Life and flesh out that part of the background. And then I think I'll truly be ready to get down to writing.
Until I find something else I need to read, that is.