Progress, 8/30/06
I didn't get as much written today as I had hoped, because I had to spend a fair bit of time chasing down details of what I wanted to write. Other times I might have just put in placeholder text, but today I was making it a point to actually go and look things up and take screen shots and so on. Makes one feel much more productive. I've developed a lovely "spectrum of blogging privacy" that's made the actual writing go much more easily, because it serves as a kind of outline for what I want to actually say.
The plan/goals for the next week:
The plan/goals for the next week:
Tomorrow: finish the descriptive section on the blogosphere.I think it's a totally reasonable schedule.
Tomorrow/Friday: Plug holes in lit review and methods section.
Tuesday: Fill in whatever other gaps remain (transitions between sections, introduction), do a quick edit.
Tuesday/Wednesday: Send first draft to Bob.